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IT Asset Management

Maximise your IT efficiency, Our services include onboarding, offboarding, break/fix, and upgrades.

IT Asset Management

Vernon Computers' IT Asset Management service helps businesses track and optimise their technology, ensuring better control over IT assets. Our comprehensive solution includes streamlined onboarding of new assets, secure offboarding of retired equipment, prompt break-fix support for maintenance issues, and strategic upgrades to keep your technology current.

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White Glove Service

What is a White Glove Service?

White Glove Services is a specialised and high-level shipping and delivery option that allows you to receive your products fully assembled, in bulk packaging, ready to use, saving you time and providing a stress-free experience.​


The Benefits to you: 

  • Convenience - Receive products fully assembled and ready to use, saving time and eliminating setup hassles.

  • Stress-Free Experience - Unpacking, installation, and

  • pre-configuration of IT equipment. Allowing your team to start using devices immediately. ​

  • Disposal of Packaging- Excess packaging will be recycled.

Our IT disposal services prioritise both Environmental Sustainability and Data Security.


When disposing of IT equipment, we adhere to industry-leading practices to ensure the complete and secure destruction of sensitive data. Our process involves thorough electronic data wiping or physical destruction of storage devices, guaranteeing that no confidential information remains on decommissioned equipment. 

IT Asset Disposal

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IT Asset Management

Asset Management 

Breakdown of our IT Asset Management

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